How to Recover Lost Patients to Make More Money for your Dental Practice – Remind Them

We know how valuable customers are to our business of helping dentists sell dental products online. Your dental office is no different. We don’t want to lose any customers/patients because it takes a long time (not to mention lots of resources and effort) to develop that relationship.

Dental Offices have the same problem: Losing patients to inactivity is a big problem. But there is a solution from a company called CallForce. They will help you re-activate old patients and literally create new production revenue from patients you thought were gone forever.

Let’s face it: Sometimes we get busy – we all do. And we all forget to make appointments – sometimes for years!! People need to be reminded from time to time that they shouldn’t overlook a check-up. After all, good oral health needs to maintained, and the only way to do this is by getting consistent oral care by regularly visiting the dentist and practicing good hygiene at home in-between appointments.

But who has time to call old patients themselves (ironically who don’t have time to make appointments themselves – it really is a time starved world)? No one has time, so their service handles all of this for you. They act as an extension of your brand and will call patients for you. The kicker: you only pay when they schedule an appointment! Brilliant!

So spend time wisely and give them a call or schedule a CallForce demo – they’ll fill your schedule and re-activate old patients – you can’t lose!

Full Disclosure: We do not benefit from these links – we just want to share a cool service with our dental practice clients.